Preparing all this has become a part-time job. When buying groceries, everything is checked for ingredients. All sugar, processed white flour, preservatives, and red meat are not allowed in the diet. Boy, we could all be losing weight on this diet BUT since being home, Jon has put on 8 pounds!! His energy level is much better, although he still tires easily. He works a few hours every day; thank goodness for great help and winter schedule.
Had an appointment with the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) a few weeks ago and it proved very informative as we move forward on finding the source of cancer, exactly what kind of cancer Jon is dealing with and how aggressive it is. New knowledge will help in determining what kind of treatment to pursue. The doctor was a very nice woman, liver specialist, who didn't really want to hear about what went on in Mexico. She admited Jon looked great, in fact she was quite surprised to see him looking so good from the facts she had seen in his file. However, she did ask how they did liver hyperthermia, a liver specialist who had no idea how to heat the liver. Before we left, she asked us to keep an open mind to chemotherapy in the future even though Jon had such a horrible experience. She was kind enough to give us her direct office number in case we needed to chat in the future.
We have had Jon's family visiting since his return home. His brother Doug came from Maryland and was here for great company, help and advice. Also his mother and two sisters came down from Idaho and we had lots of hugs and laughs.